Zope Location


In Zope3, location are special objects that has a structural location.

Detailed Documentation


Location Base Class

The Location base class is a stupid mix-in that defines __parent__ and __name__ attributes.

Usage within an Object field:

>>> from zope.interface import implements, Interface
>>> from zope.schema import Object
>>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
>>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation
>>> from zope.location.location import Location
>>> class IA(Interface):
...     location = Object(schema=ILocation, required=False, default=None)
>>> class A(object):
...     implements(IA)
...     location = FieldProperty(IA['location'])
>>> a = A()
>>> a.location = Location()
>>> loc = Location(); loc.__name__ = u'foo'
>>> a.location = loc
>>> loc = Location(); loc.__name__ = None
>>> a.location = loc
>>> loc = Location(); loc.__name__ = 'foo'
>>> a.location = loc
Traceback (most recent call last):
WrongContainedType: ([WrongType('foo', <type 'unicode'>, '__name__')], 'location')

The inside Function

The inside function tells if l1 is inside l2. L1 is inside l2 if l2 is an ancestor of l1.

>>> o1 = Location()
>>> o2 = Location(); o2.__parent__ = o1
>>> o3 = Location(); o3.__parent__ = o2
>>> o4 = Location(); o4.__parent__ = o3
>>> from zope.location.location import inside
>>> inside(o1, o1)
>>> inside(o2, o1)
>>> inside(o3, o1)
>>> inside(o4, o1)
>>> inside(o1, o4)
>>> inside(o1, None)


The LocationProxy is a non-picklable proxy that can be put around objects that don't implement ILocation.

>>> from zope.location.location import LocationProxy
>>> l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> ILocation.providedBy(l)
>>> p = LocationProxy(l, "Dad", "p")
>>> p
[1, 2, 3]
>>> ILocation.providedBy(p)
>>> p.__parent__
>>> p.__name__
>>> import pickle
>>> p2 = pickle.dumps(p)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Not picklable

Proxies should get their doc strings from the object they proxy:

>>> p.__doc__ == l.__doc__

If we get a "located class" somehow, its doc string well be available through proxy as well:

>>> class LocalClass(object):
...     """This is class that can be located"""
>>> p = LocationProxy(LocalClass)
>>> p.__doc__ == LocalClass.__doc__


This function allows us to iterate over object and all its parents.

>>> from zope.location.location import LocationIterator
>>> o1 = Location()
>>> o2 = Location()
>>> o3 = Location()
>>> o3.__parent__ = o2
>>> o2.__parent__ = o1
>>> iter = LocationIterator(o3)
>>> iter.next() is o3
>>> iter.next() is o2
>>> iter.next() is o1
>>> iter.next()
Traceback (most recent call last):

The located function

located locates an object in another and returns it:

>>> from zope.location.location import located
>>> a = Location()
>>> parent = Location()
>>> a_located = located(a, parent, 'a')
>>> a_located is a
>>> a_located.__parent__ is parent
>>> a_located.__name__

If we locate the object again, nothing special happens:

>>> a_located_2 = located(a_located, parent, 'a')
>>> a_located_2 is a_located

If the object does not provide ILocation an adapter can be provided:

>>> import zope.interface
>>> import zope.component
>>> sm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
>>> sm.registerAdapter(LocationProxy, required=(zope.interface.Interface,))
>>> l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> parent = Location()
>>> l_located = located(l, parent, 'l')
>>> l_located.__parent__ is parent
>>> l_located.__name__
>>> l_located is l
>>> type(l_located)
<class 'zope.location.location.LocationProxy'>
>>> l_located_2 = located(l_located, parent, 'l')
>>> l_located_2 is l_located

When changing the name, we still do not get a different proxied object:

>>> l_located_3 = located(l_located, parent, 'new-name')
>>> l_located_3 is l_located_2
>>> sm.unregisterAdapter(LocationProxy, required=(zope.interface.Interface,))


3.9.1 (unreleased)

  • Added zcml and test extras as well as a test for configure.zcml.

3.9.0 (2009-12-29)

  • Moved LocationCopyHook related tests to zope.copy and remove a test dependency on that package.

3.8.2 (2009-12-23)

  • Fixed a typo in the configure.zcml.

3.8.1 (2009-12-23)

  • Removed dependency on zope.copy: the LocationCopyHook adapter is registered only if zope.copy is available.
  • Use the standard Python doctest module instead of zope.testing.doctest, which has been deprecated.

3.8.0 (2009-12-22)

  • Adjusted to testing output caused by new zope.schema.

3.7.1 (2009-11-18)

  • Moved the IPossibleSite and ISite interfaces to zope.component as they are dealing with zope.component's concept of a site, but not with location.

3.7.0 (2009-09-29)

  • Added getParent() to ILocationInfo and moved the actual implementation here from zope.traversal.api, analogous to getParents().
  • Actually removed deprecated PathPersistent class from zope.location.pickling.
  • Moved ITraverser back to zope.traversing where it belongs conceptually. The interface had been moved to zope.location to invert the package interdependency but is no longer used here.

3.6.0 (2009-08-27)

  • New feature release: deprecated locationCopy, CopyPersistent and PathPersistent from zope.location.pickling. These changes were already part of the 3.5.3 release, which was erroneously numbered as a bugfix relese.
  • Removed dependency on zope.deferredimport, directly import deprecated modules without using it.

3.5.5 (2009-08-15)

  • Add zope.deferredimport as a dependency as it's used directly by zope.location.pickling.

3.5.4 (2009-05-17)

  • Add IContained interface to zope.location.interfaces module. This interface was moved from zope.container (after zope.container 3.8.2); consumers of IContained may now depend on zope.location rather than zope.container to reduce dependency cycles.

3.5.3 (2009-02-09)

  • Use new zope.copy package for implementing location copying. Thus there's changes in the zope.locaton.pickling module:

    • The locationCopy and CopyPersistent was removed in prefer to their equivalents in zope.copy. Deprecated backward-compatibility imports provided.
    • The module now provides a zope.copy.interfaces.ICopyHook adapter for ILocation objects that replaces the old CopyPersistent functionality of checking for the need to clone objects based on their location.

3.5.2 (2009-02-04)

  • Split RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter back from LocationPhysicallyLocatable, because the IRoot object may not always provide ILocation and the code for the root object is also simplier. It's basically a copy of the RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter from zope.traversing version 3.5.0 and below with getParents method added (returns an empty list).

3.5.1 (2009-02-02)

  • Improve test coverage.
  • The new getParents method was extracted from zope.traversing and added to ILocationInfo interface in the previous release. Custom ILocationInfo implementations should make sure they have this method as well. That method is already used in zope.traversing.api.getParents function.
  • Make getName of LocationPhysicallyLocatable always return empty string for the IRoot object, like RootPhysicallyLocatable from zope.traversing did. So, now LocationPhysicallyLocatable is fully compatible with RootPhysicallyLocatable, making the latter one obsolete.
  • Change package mailing list address to zope-dev at zope.org instead of retired zope3-dev at zope.org.

3.5.0 (2009-01-31)

  • Reverse the dependency between zope.location and zope.traversing. This also causes the dependency to various other packages go away.

3.4.0 (2007-10-02)

  • Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.